Practice Area

Car Crash Accident

Learn More About Your Rental Car Crash

Years of
lower fees than MOST competitors

"Here are six steps we take to help you learn more about your rental car crash case. Rental car cases typically involve insurance problems that are not present in the general auto case. I have handled many rental car crashes over the years. I am assisted by four full-time paralegals who average 14+ years of experience. We know the experts, the insurance companies, and the judges.  I would be honored to represent you, and share what I have learned over 25+ years.”   Mike Burman, Attorney at Law.

  • 1 - Review the police report and available insurance: We will explain to you how your insurance, and the rental insurance, apply to your facts so you achieve the most benefit. We will review the police report to make sure key evidence is identified, and the report is accurate.
  • ‍2 - ‍Interview witnesses and law enforcement:  Our retired police detective carefully interviews witnesses when needed.  I often conduct interviews with key witnesses myself or secure a written statement from each witness.
  • 3 - Secure photographs, video, and the “black box”:  Closed circuit Tv and video monitoring are usually erased in a week. I need to get on top of this evidence quickly before it is lost forever.   “Black box” computers inside the vehicles may need to be downloaded for serious injury or death cases.
  • 4 - Preserve evidence known only to the at-fault driver or insurance company: It is important to identify "aggravating factors" that may need special preservation of evidence efforts. This can be expensive, so I do this on a case by case basis.
  • 5 - Provide you a free Case Evaluation:  The Case Evaluation addresses your concerns and helps you understand what your case is about.  How much time will the case take?  What compensation is recoverable?  Questions like these are handled in the Case Evaluation.
  • 6 - Provide you with a Plan of Action customized for your needs:  When you hire me, I will take the Case Evaluation and write up a customized Plan of Action with easy-to-follow steps for a good start to your case.  The Plan of Action is uploaded to your free Burman Law Client Portal (we’ll open the client portal on your smartphone).  Or, if you don’t want to use the Client Portal, we can mail it to you.  You need no money to hire me. My fees are in writing (I am cheaper than most competitors).

“My staff is knowledgeable and easy to work with.   We keep you updated about your case.  You will have no trouble reaching me when you need my help or have a question.”  Mike Burman

About RedStone Law

Mike is a death and injury lawyer with 25+ years of experience helping hundreds of accident victims against at-fault drivers and commercial operators of all types. Other lawyers often call Mike for advice with their personal injury lawsuits and wrongful death lawsuits. Once you begin your free case evaluation with Mike, you will know the legal advice is coming from an experienced attorney who knows the law and wants to help you overcome a difficult situation in your life.

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How DOES BURMAN LAW Determine fault for a Ride App case?

Every driver has a duty to exercise ordinary Rental care for the safety of other persons using the highway. We investigate and prove fault by motorists who:

  • Fail to maintain a safe distance
  • Fail to slow to a safe speed
  • Fail to allow time for safe clearance
  • Fail to obey traffic signals (i.e., red lights or stop signs)
  • Fail to keep a proper lookout for pedestrian traffic
  • Fail to pay attention, especially at night or during inclement weather
  • Fail to perceive a dangerous condition or immediate hazard
  • Fail to drive free of impairment by drugs or alcohol
  • Fail to stop operating a cell phone while operating an automobile
  • Fail to be properly vetted by the rideshare company

WHAT DOES BURMAN LAW DO IN A Rental Car Accident Case?

Rental car accident personal injury and death cases require quick attention from an experienced personal injury law firm. Mike Burman is a personal injury attorney with the staff and financial resources needed to take on any insurance company.  As your Rental car accident lawyer, Mike Burman and his law firm will work quickly to:

  • Understand the mechanism of injury causing pain and suffering or death
  • Look for hard-to-find injuries, such as brain injuries or labral tears in the hip
  • Preserve evidence that could be washed away, destroyed, or lost
  • Study traffic patterns and traffic
  • Search for CCTv video/audio, ring doorbell cameras, police videos, and business cameras
  • Locate and interview witnesses
  • Engage experts in accident reconstruction to uncover critical facts
  • Download the “black box” speed and distance computer on the “at-fault” vehicle
  • Impound the at-fault vehicle and preserve the Rental car

In every personal injury case, we investigate and preserve evidence. We locate and contact all available witnesses. We notify all necessary parties and insurance companies, notify all lien holders, gather and protect evidence and damages,  prepare a settlement demand, negotiate a Rental car accident settlement, resolve liens, and distribute a fair settlement to you. Automobile injury and death cases require quick attention from an experienced personal injury law firm. Mike Burman is a personal injury attorney with the staff and financial resources needed to take on any insurance company.  As your automobile accident lawyer, Mike Burman and his law firm will work quickly to answer all your questions and learn about your injuries-including those hard-to-find injuries that are oftentimes overlooked, such as brain injuries or labral tears in the hip.

Once evidence from the scene is secure, we use information technologies to transform this evidence into a visual representation of your Rental car crash to prove the harms and losses behind your injuries. Our in-house media service prepares professional digital charts, blowups, and videos while keeping costs under control. Our goal is to communicate your case so that anyone can “be sure” what happened and “understand” what should be done to right the wrong done to you. We work to provide the insurance adjuster with a thorough evaluation of your case so you achieve a full and fair out-of-court settlement. But if you must file suit, Burman Law will help prepare your case for trial. At trial, we will visualize your case to the jury, so the jury understands exactly what happened to you, and how your life changed. In this way, the jury has the power to right the wrong done to you.

Insurance Company Tactics

Insurance companies and insurance adjusters use several tactics to deny claims and pay less than the value of the claim.  Some of the most common we see are:

  • Blaming accident victims for their own injuries
  • Reducing the value of the case by misinterpreting medical records
  • Denying the injuries are related to the car crash
  • Making low settlement offers for pre-existing or age-related factors
  • Delaying claims as long as possible until you must take a low settlement offer
  • Making lowball settlement offers to reduce the amount you think is reasonable
  • Telling injury victims they do not need to hire a lawyer


You need no money to hire me. I am paid a reasonable fee out of the money paid to resolve your case.  The decision to resolve your case is always yours to make.  I work for you.  All fees and costs will be transparent, upfront, and in writing.  We are paid a percentage of the money recovered in your case.  Many personal injury lawyers now charge a fee of 40% to begin your case.  Our fee has been 1/3 for more than twenty-five plus years.  We do not spend time or money on expensive Tv Ads, and we pass that savings on to you.  There are no hidden disclaimers.  We are transparent at all times.

With our free consultation and free case evaluation services, you can discuss your car accident case with Mike Burman in confidence.  Mike will help you understand your rights and give you a plan of action based on real experience.  There is never any pressure.  We put all fees and case expenses in writing.  As a Burman Law client, you will receive our free client portal so you can post anything you want 24/7/365.  We respond to portal messages by the next business day, or sooner.   And you can always contact Mike on his personal cell phone number which he will give you.  Burman Law staff average ten years of paralegal experience.  Mike has more than 25+ years of experience in personal injury and wrongful death involving car accidents and safety in Kentucky and Tennessee.